A redirect virus will redirect your browser to a different web site, Rather than where you wanted it to go. Often times this is to send you to an internet site with advertisements in order to get you to buy anything. Another time it might be to send you to a fraudulent internet bank website to attempt to get your account info. The redirect malware or virus may typically modify a file on your PC that's called the Hosts file. There are several popular internet explorer now some are Internet Explorer in addition, referred to as IE there is FireFox, Google Chrome, and in addition Safari.
There are more accessible, but these appear to be the ones whom I see individuals using the most. Firstly an internet site has a numeric address, comparable to a telephone number or a street address. So, for instance, Google has an address of you can type whom into the address bar of the browser and it'd take you to Google. The problem is that attempting to remember numbers is a lot more strenuous to humans, so we use names. Whenever you request an internet site by name the 1st time your computer talks about the hosts file to see when it is listed there, generally there are not any entries in the hosts file.
If there is an entry for google.com with ANY Internet protocol address your computer may send you to THAT Internet protocol address even when isn't an address that belongs to Google. When there is no entry for Google or the web site you need to go to the computer may contact an internet site domain name server to see what the numeric location is of the site. It discovers that Google = and the computer then show the website you had been looking for that resides at the specific address. The redirect virus creates an entry for the Google website then again any site and includes a fake Internet convention address or an Internet convention deliver that has a place with an option site.
When you need to go to that specific site, your PC will go to the fake\/off base IP address that is in the hosts record. So to settle this you initially need to scan the PC and also fix the hosts file. The hosts file may also be utilized to help protect you from bad sites. If you'd a list of all of the bad web sites in the globe, you might enter them into the hosts file and use the Internet protocol address of